Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cycle over, now its Chlomid time!

So I had a regular 7 day period that was pretty much textbook, I'm starting to think that the more I change my diet and exercise that this lifestyle change will change my body internally. 

I am not giving up. Me getting pregnant last year is PROOF that I can conceive! I had the perfect pregnancy until my cervix started to open at 21 weeks. An incompetent cervix is what they called it. So now that we know what the problem is, we can make provisions to keep it closed with a surgery called Cerclage.

Ok folks, my doctors appointment is on Tuesday and I will keep you updated with the latest on my condition.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Could this be...BLOOD!

I checked my Fertility Friend app today to see how many days has passed since my last period...57 days! Today, I have a period that has been on for 3 days. Only been using one pad per day. Not really normal huh?

Well, the last time I was on my period, it lasted for 6 weeks! This will not be the case this time. Pray its only 5-7 days long. I'm saving up to pay for IVF starting in January if I'm not pregnant by then. Pray I get pregnant because least $10k+! I would love to use that money for my 10 year anniversary trip TO PARIS!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Still not feeling well...

Still not pregnant and no period since July 15th! I need to find a natural cure for this! Looks like the we are going to look into adoption.  It's been over a year since our baby's death and still no success.  Maybe we should just adopt because IVF is just too expensive! Who has 20k for fertility treatments?  SMH, making big bucks off of people's desperation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Results of the test

Well, I took the test last night and it looks like I'm just experiencing the side effects to Metformin.  The test was negative. This is so disappointing.  I have to believe there is some grand scheme for all of this. I feel like I'm the joke of the disappointing.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Nausea?! Pregnant or Metformin side effect?

I have been having severe nausea for the past 4 days and I am hoping it's because I have a BFP (big fat positive) test and its not a side effect of the Metformin I've been taking. 

I am about to take a test, but I'm so hesistant because I don't want to be disappointed.  Should I test? Ok, you win! If it's not positive,  I'm going to stop taking the medicine because I feel HORRIBLE! 😩😳😷

Friday, October 3, 2014

Still no change YET!

I wanted to update you on what is going on. I have been taking Metformin for almost 3 weeks now. I am still not ovulating and still not pregnant. It's discouraging.  Please pray for me. I am going to the IVF info session next week. I am going to keep the faith.