Monday, December 7, 2015

This post started off sad until....READ WHAT HAPPENED!

I'm so confused as to how this thing works. This is the seventh day in which I have seen high fertility on the clear blue digital OPK monitor but when I took a pregnancy test the test was negative. I wanted to get things off my mind so I rejoined LA fitness and just want to focus on getting my health together, so that I can be prepared to have a healthy pregnancy. So instead of focusing on the negative, I will focus on obtaining and maintaining optimal health and fitness and sound of mind. As I watch the news tonight, I see a story of a woman in Compton, California who threw her newborn baby in the sewer! These types of stories make me question God and ask Him why does He allow people like that to have a baby. But then I know better than to start questioning!

OH SNAP!!! This just in!!! Literally, as I was typing this blog I had just Peed on the stick to see if the ovulation test was still going to show high fertility (flashing smiley face). And to my surprise the FLASHING HAS STOPPED!!! I have officially reached peak fertility, which means let me get off here and um YOU KNOW!