Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ovulation Testing...EVERYDAY?

The whole month of July, I was waiting for my regular period to come so I can start my ovulation testing...but it never came. So quite naturally, I started to take pregnancy tests. I went to the dollar store and loaded up on ovulation and pregnancy tests! That clerk was probably wondering if I was running some type of fertility clinic or something. But every time I tested, it was negative. And then one day, I think my mind made a faded second line appear and I called my best friend and showed her the test and even she said she saw a line. But I think we both want me to be pregnant so bad that we seeing lines!

But I went to the doctor and the test was negative. Still no period although this month is over and still no ovulation. I don't know what's going on with my body, but at this point, if..No... WHEN I get pregnant, it will be God's doing because I am out of options...

Keep following up with me...

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