Friday, August 22, 2014

Clearblue OPK is Negative...the COUNTDOWN to a POSITIVE Pregnancy test begins NOW!!!

Yes! This blank circle tells me two things: I am no longer having an LH surge which is good because that means my hormones are actually doing what its supposed to be doing. A while back (2008), the doctor diagnosed me with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which affects the hormones and estrogen levels in women. It also causes irregular periods and abnormal ovulation cycles. But I am not believing that condition is permanent, NO not in me! Second, the blank circle tells me that it's time to start the countdown from conception to a positive pregnancy test! At this point, it's a waiting game. So here is how my fertility calendar looks this week:

8/19/2014 - I did not test this day although I think this was actually the 1st day of the Peak Fertility result on the Clearblue digital Ovulation tool. If it was positive this day, then that means me and the hubby needed to start Coitus process on 8/20/2014 and 8/21/2014.

8/20/2014 - Positive OPK (Ovulation Predicator Kit) LH Peak Surge means that you will be ovulating within 24-48 hrs AFTER the positive shows up. It took a while for me to get that. Just in case the test was actually positive on the Tuesday that I didn't actually test, the hubby and I just went ahead and got started with Coitus. Since this is the first day that I've actually seen the positive Peak Fertility result, we will add an extra day to Coitus process. This means that if this is accurate and Peak LH Surge did happen today, we should expect ovulation to occur either 8/21/2014 or 8/22/2014.

8/21/2014 - I did  not test on the OPK to see if my LH surge was gone, but I assumed the positive result was still there from the day before. On the Clearblue Digital, the positive result actually stays lit in the window for 2 days! It's a constant reminder to do what you need to do to make it happen! Coitus also occurred this night. We have agreed to continue Coitus until we see a positive pregnancy test which could be in about 2-3 weeks from now! It will take work, but we just have to keep it fun, fresh, and exciting and we should be able to make it through. By the way, we haven't done that since we were in our 20's so this will definitely be a challenge!

8/22/2014 - OPK Negative

Well ladies (and maybe a gentleman or two), we are on this journey together. The Path To Fertility for some is easy (hince the 4, 5, 6+ kids), but for some, the journey is long and hard, but in the end it will be all worth it! We just want to be an encouragement to the thousands of couples around the world struggling with infertility or high risk fertility and let you know that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!

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