Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I had fun this weekend, minus the timed Coitus activities, but other than that, it was fun! However, I feel like not trying anymore though. This process is so taxing and I just want to quit. But I'm doing this for him, the hubby who is almost 40 and don't want to be an old father like his father was. My father-in-law was 56 when my husband was born! Although it benefited him greatly to have an older parent full of wisdom, he never got a chance to see us get married or have kids because he passed when my husband was only 26 (he was 82). My husband doesn't want to be so old that he missed out on key parts of our children's lives. And I understand that, so I am doing this for him.
Now, I don't know if I actually ovulated FOR SURE (without testing my blood for progesterone release), but all of the signs were there and if my calculations are correct, I ovulated either on 8/21 or 8/22. If that's the case, today would be 3 or 4 DPO. According to the First Response Early Result (FRER) instructions, I can start testing roughly 5 days before my missed period. The only thing about that is when you have PCOS, you don't know when your missed period is! My last period was June 21st! So knowing the DPO count is important. I have this app called Fertility Friend that allows you to estimate the day you will get a positive pregnancy test. According to this app, I can start testing on 13 DPO, although the most accurate results comes after 16 DPO.
Here is my Fertility Path (updated):
8/22/2014 - Negative OPK, BD
8/23/2014 - No Testing, BD
8/24/2014 - No Testing, I was just way too tired NO BD
8/25/2014 - Just in case we missed the window...BD
So here we are...the 2 week wait. I will test live on September 10, 2014, which is also my 9th wedding anniversary! You all will find out almost instantly. And once we get our BFP (Big Fat POSITIVE), the countdown resets for 40 weeks and then the real journey begins...
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