Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Natural approach attempt 1

So still no PPT and no POT so I am resulting to drastic measures. I'm going to see what would happen if I could not eat sugars and carbs for 21 days and do a Paleo natural diet to see if my body would auto correct itself. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Took a PT...Negative again!

The title says it all. Im just waiting for health insurance to cover my Fertility treatment and I will start hopefully in January.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cycle over, now its Chlomid time!

So I had a regular 7 day period that was pretty much textbook, I'm starting to think that the more I change my diet and exercise that this lifestyle change will change my body internally. 

I am not giving up. Me getting pregnant last year is PROOF that I can conceive! I had the perfect pregnancy until my cervix started to open at 21 weeks. An incompetent cervix is what they called it. So now that we know what the problem is, we can make provisions to keep it closed with a surgery called Cerclage.

Ok folks, my doctors appointment is on Tuesday and I will keep you updated with the latest on my condition.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Could this be...BLOOD!

I checked my Fertility Friend app today to see how many days has passed since my last period...57 days! Today, I have a period that has been on for 3 days. Only been using one pad per day. Not really normal huh?

Well, the last time I was on my period, it lasted for 6 weeks! This will not be the case this time. Pray its only 5-7 days long. I'm saving up to pay for IVF starting in January if I'm not pregnant by then. Pray I get pregnant because least $10k+! I would love to use that money for my 10 year anniversary trip TO PARIS!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Still not feeling well...

Still not pregnant and no period since July 15th! I need to find a natural cure for this! Looks like the we are going to look into adoption.  It's been over a year since our baby's death and still no success.  Maybe we should just adopt because IVF is just too expensive! Who has 20k for fertility treatments?  SMH, making big bucks off of people's desperation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Results of the test

Well, I took the test last night and it looks like I'm just experiencing the side effects to Metformin.  The test was negative. This is so disappointing.  I have to believe there is some grand scheme for all of this. I feel like I'm the joke of the disappointing.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Nausea?! Pregnant or Metformin side effect?

I have been having severe nausea for the past 4 days and I am hoping it's because I have a BFP (big fat positive) test and its not a side effect of the Metformin I've been taking. 

I am about to take a test, but I'm so hesistant because I don't want to be disappointed.  Should I test? Ok, you win! If it's not positive,  I'm going to stop taking the medicine because I feel HORRIBLE! 😩😳😷

Friday, October 3, 2014

Still no change YET!

I wanted to update you on what is going on. I have been taking Metformin for almost 3 weeks now. I am still not ovulating and still not pregnant. It's discouraging.  Please pray for me. I am going to the IVF info session next week. I am going to keep the faith.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

7 Days of Metformin and still no change YET

I have been taking Metformin at 500mg and getting ready to increase to 1000mg today. The nausea is bad! But I can't give up.  I know it works with chlomid but I'm not about to pay $$$ for more medication, so this needs to work. I try not to think about it. Last time I got pregnant,  I was secretly taking chlomid but I didn't tell my husband because I didn't want to add pressure to our life.

But when my doctor measured the baby, he dated the embryo 2 weeks BEFORE I started taking the chlomid. I did 3 rounds earlier that year and took 3 months off before restarting. So we think the rounds actually prepared my body and then it kicked in months later! I have faith it WILL happen again.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Metformin got me Feeling like crap!

Day 3 after my negative test results and well...I FEEL LIKE CRAP! I'm taking Metformin now which is a medicine that is linked to treating PCOS.  Well, the side effects got me feeling nauseous,  so much so that I had to take another pregnancy test just to make sure I wasn't having morning sickness! And of course, the test was a negative which disappointed my hubby. I am going to try to continue taking it, but I don't know how much more I can take!

Stay posted. I am going to start the natural method instead.  It's just so darn expensive to do this. I wish money was no object. I would fix myself...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Results to the pregnancy test

The results are in...the test was negative. This means that the PCOS condition produced something called anovulation. That's when your LH surges but no egg is released leaving me with rollercoaster hormonal changes and no menstrual cycle. At this point, I have to seek medical treatment and just bite the bullet and go to an infertility specialist.  I've used chlomid/provera 3 cycles earlier this year and it didn't work. So the next step is IVF. That's when the sperm is manually insert into my egg and then placed back inside of me. This is a very expensive process, one I never planned for. So I must believe that God will make a way for this procedure. I know people who has successfully conceived and it works! It will take about $7-10k to do. If you would like to donate towards the procedure, just send your donations to our Paypal: or mail a check.

With that said, here goes round 2...

Monday, September 1, 2014

HELP! Negative does NOT mean NO!!!

Ok, so this is probably not healthy nor is it beneficial for me to be testing this early, but according to Fertility Friend, over 35% of the tests submitted at 10 DPO (days past ovulation) had a positive pregnancy test, some even as early at 8 DPO. So I started testing at 9 DPO and today is 11 DPO and as you can see....NEGATIVE. Now, by 11 DPO statistics showed that 50% of the pregnancy test submitted were positive. I'm not showing any early signs of pregnancy, but that's not really a factor since with my last pregnancy, I sailed through the first trimester virtually symptom free!

However, the real story is what is going on in my head after seeing these negative results. I started researching false Positive ovulation tests as it is usually associated with people who have PCOS. However, just from what I've researched, PCOS only spikes the hormone Estrogen, but once I got that Peak result, that's a different hormone called LH and that cannot be faked! That, plus the temperature spike, is sure indication that I DID OVULATE either on 8/21/2014 or 8/22/2014. Which if I ovulated on 8/22/2014, it is very possible that this could be 10 DPO for me instead of 11 and that makes a big difference on a PT (pregnancy test). I don't want to take Chlomid anymore, but my doctor wants to put me on it if I don't get pregnant this cycle (or if I'm not showing a positive result by Friday).

I'm doing this entry because I am seriously needing prayer for PEACE OF MIND as I get through this week because more than likely this week is THE WEEK I will find out if we are having our rainbow baby or if I have to wait  until next month. I will be going to the doctor on Friday for confirmation by blood, but until then, I have 3 dollar store brand test I will test EVERYDAY!

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Hello ladies (and maybe some gentlemen),

I am 10 DPO (days past ovulation) and according to the best fertility app in the world (Fertility Friend), there is a 34% chance that I will see a Faint positive on a dollar store brand test. So I ran to the Dollar Tree yesterday, bought 5 tests and started testing everyday until I see a fainted line...which in my mind is a POSITIVE.

Test (9DPO) #1...Negative (No Line)
Test Day #2...Negative (not even close)

I will post everyday with the pictures of the tests so you will see that I'm serious about this journey!

See ya tomorrow!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The PT line test wait is taking TOOOO LONG!

This will be Short and sweet... I CAN'T TAKE THE WAIT ANYMORE!!! I know it's only 7 DPO, but I want to start testing NOW. I even saw some posts on the (which I think everyone should subscribe to once you are pregnant) that you can start seeing a line as early as 9-10 DPO! I was like OMG, I'm going to go to the Dollar Tree and just buy like 10 of them and start test everyday starting on Sunday!

I am really only a week and a half away from knowing if our Rainbow is coming. I sure hope so...

Monday, August 25, 2014

DPO 2, 3, 4 (Days past ovulation)...MAN IDK!

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I had fun this weekend, minus the timed Coitus activities, but other than that, it was fun! However, I feel like not trying anymore though. This process is so taxing and I just want to quit. But I'm doing this for him, the hubby who is almost 40 and don't want to be an old father like his father was. My father-in-law was 56 when my husband was born! Although it benefited him greatly to have an older parent full of wisdom, he never got a chance to see us get married or have kids because he passed when my husband was only 26 (he was 82). My husband doesn't want to be so old that he missed out on key parts of our children's lives. And I understand that, so I am doing this for him.

Now, I don't know if I actually ovulated FOR SURE (without testing my blood for progesterone release), but all of the signs were there and if my calculations are correct, I ovulated either on 8/21 or 8/22. If that's the case, today would be 3 or 4 DPO. According to the First Response Early Result (FRER) instructions, I can start testing roughly 5 days before my missed period. The only thing about that is when you have PCOS, you don't know when your missed period is! My last period was June 21st! So knowing the DPO count is important. I have this app called Fertility Friend that allows you to estimate the day you will get a positive pregnancy test. According to this app, I can start testing on 13 DPO, although the most accurate results comes after 16 DPO.

Here is my Fertility Path (updated):

8/22/2014 - Negative OPK, BD
8/23/2014 - No Testing, BD
8/24/2014 - No Testing, I was just way too tired NO BD
8/25/2014 - Just in case we missed the window...BD

So here we are...the 2 week wait. I will test live on September 10, 2014, which is also my 9th wedding anniversary! You all will find out almost instantly. And once we get our BFP (Big Fat POSITIVE), the countdown resets for 40 weeks and then the real journey begins...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Clearblue OPK is Negative...the COUNTDOWN to a POSITIVE Pregnancy test begins NOW!!!

Yes! This blank circle tells me two things: I am no longer having an LH surge which is good because that means my hormones are actually doing what its supposed to be doing. A while back (2008), the doctor diagnosed me with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which affects the hormones and estrogen levels in women. It also causes irregular periods and abnormal ovulation cycles. But I am not believing that condition is permanent, NO not in me! Second, the blank circle tells me that it's time to start the countdown from conception to a positive pregnancy test! At this point, it's a waiting game. So here is how my fertility calendar looks this week:

8/19/2014 - I did not test this day although I think this was actually the 1st day of the Peak Fertility result on the Clearblue digital Ovulation tool. If it was positive this day, then that means me and the hubby needed to start Coitus process on 8/20/2014 and 8/21/2014.

8/20/2014 - Positive OPK (Ovulation Predicator Kit) LH Peak Surge means that you will be ovulating within 24-48 hrs AFTER the positive shows up. It took a while for me to get that. Just in case the test was actually positive on the Tuesday that I didn't actually test, the hubby and I just went ahead and got started with Coitus. Since this is the first day that I've actually seen the positive Peak Fertility result, we will add an extra day to Coitus process. This means that if this is accurate and Peak LH Surge did happen today, we should expect ovulation to occur either 8/21/2014 or 8/22/2014.

8/21/2014 - I did  not test on the OPK to see if my LH surge was gone, but I assumed the positive result was still there from the day before. On the Clearblue Digital, the positive result actually stays lit in the window for 2 days! It's a constant reminder to do what you need to do to make it happen! Coitus also occurred this night. We have agreed to continue Coitus until we see a positive pregnancy test which could be in about 2-3 weeks from now! It will take work, but we just have to keep it fun, fresh, and exciting and we should be able to make it through. By the way, we haven't done that since we were in our 20's so this will definitely be a challenge!

8/22/2014 - OPK Negative

Well ladies (and maybe a gentleman or two), we are on this journey together. The Path To Fertility for some is easy (hince the 4, 5, 6+ kids), but for some, the journey is long and hard, but in the end it will be all worth it! We just want to be an encouragement to the thousands of couples around the world struggling with infertility or high risk fertility and let you know that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Clearblue Digital OPK solid Smiley Face just made my day!

This is going to be short and sweet. So remember how I told you I will test all month until I see a positive Ovulation test? Well after nearly 7 weeks of NEGATIVE Ovulation Tests (weird but ok), I finally got a POSITIVE peak fertility with Clearblue Digital which has a 99% LH surge detection rate. So you know what that means right...BD time! I showed it to my husband so he would be encouraged to "participate" in this process! With men, they don't really need hard evidence to get them to have sex.

Ok, so here is how it works.According to their instructions, Clearblue gives you the most fertile days (4 days). Here are my results so far:

8/14/2014 - Blank Face (Negative OPK)
8/16/2014 - Flashing Smiley Face (supposedly Day 1 of High Fertility)/ BD
8/17/2014 - Flashing Smiley Face (Day 2 of High Fertility)/BD
According to Clearblue the next day should be peak right?
8/18/2014 - Flashing Smiley Face (Day 3 of High Fertility)
8/19/2014 - No test (so this could be either Day 4 of High Fertility or Day 1 of Peak , I don't know)
8/20/2014 - Solid Smiley Face! (Day 1 of Peak Fertility Ovulation within 24-48 hrs)/BD

I will post more frequent for the next 3 weeks, because we might be closer to the Path of Fertility than we think! Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ovulation Testing...EVERYDAY?

The whole month of July, I was waiting for my regular period to come so I can start my ovulation testing...but it never came. So quite naturally, I started to take pregnancy tests. I went to the dollar store and loaded up on ovulation and pregnancy tests! That clerk was probably wondering if I was running some type of fertility clinic or something. But every time I tested, it was negative. And then one day, I think my mind made a faded second line appear and I called my best friend and showed her the test and even she said she saw a line. But I think we both want me to be pregnant so bad that we seeing lines!

But I went to the doctor and the test was negative. Still no period although this month is over and still no ovulation. I don't know what's going on with my body, but at this point, if..No... WHEN I get pregnant, it will be God's doing because I am out of options...

Keep following up with me...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The 6 month wait...(the backstory)

On May 14th, I gave birth to my Prince. Unfortunately, he didn't live to see the smile that would be on his parents' face when he was born. That was probably the most difficult time in my life. The hole is still in my heart. I think it will always be there. I can't wait until I see him in Heaven one day.

So, my doctor told me to wait 6 months until I try to have another baby. That seemed like such a long time, but I was desperate to get pregnant again. December came and my doctor cleared me to begin again. So in January, I loaded up some Metformin, Provera, and Chlomid and started the 3-month fertility cycle.

January, negative, February, negative, March, negative, April...okay ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! No more fertility meds for me! It gives me mood swings, headaches, cramps, and I just don't like taking them. I just decided to try the old fashion way of timing my periods and tracking ovulation. Except on May 14, my cycle came and it stayed for 6 weeks!!! I never had so many problems with my body, but I was determined to try to fix it.

So on June 22nd, I decided to take a Naturopathic route to healing this blood ailment that is sucking up all of my money! I can't get pregnant bleeding like this! Using an organic vegan diet method, I flushed my system of what I believe to be toxic from steroid and hormone infused food. I started a regular walking regimen and I just wanted to feel healthier. Five days after made the switch to organic raw foods, my bleeding stop. This was an indication to me that what was going on in my body was self-inflicted from my diet and lack of exercise.

For a short while the pressures of having a baby was gone. The only thing is that I truly never dealt with the death of my first baby and so depression started to sink in. For weeks, I would lash out at my husband for not "doing anything" to help me. I'm sure he was left feeling confused.

Burying myself in work seemed to help keep my mind off of "him"but I still had to deal with him dying. "Why did he die," is the recurring question in my mind. There are so many girls out here getting pregnant by guys they don't even know, leaving babies in hot cars, relying on the government to take care of their babies and you have people like us who have been married for years and still haven't had a baby...WHY?!

These are my constant frustrations. But If you want to go, I will take you with me on my PATH TO FERTILITY...