Monday, December 21, 2015

Aunty Flow is here! Find out WHY I'm happy about that. Round 2 begins

So it is official. AF is here! Wait...AF IS HERE! That brownish spotting was indeed a sign of things to come. But why am I excited about having a period right now? Shouldn't I be upset that I am not pregnant? Well, I am a little bit, but you do not understand, so sit down and let me tell you a little story.

I have to take two medications in order for me to go through a fertility cycle. The first medication is called Provera. That medication is a hormone that I take for 10 days and then five days later my period comes. Previously, I have not been able to have a regular period without it being induced by this medication. Once my period starts, I take the second medication on day three of my cycle. That medication is call Chlomid. Chlomid is a medication that causes me to ovulate 5-10 days after taking it. And then I wait 10-12 days to test for pregnancy. If negative, I start Provera again. The whole cycle is supposed to be about 30-33 days.

So why am I so excited about having my period. It's because I have not taking Provera this month! In fact, I was just about to take the first pill for Round 2, when I found out that I was spotting. I didn't want to take the pill because I knew that if I did and I was having implantation bleeding then it was going to make me bleed more and that's not good! 

So I'm excited about the fact that I am having a regular hormonal experience! It is certain that I ovulated 13 days before my period. This means that my cycle was 40 days long. I am wondering, should I just go ahead and skip Chlomid to see if I will also ovulate on my own?

I keep hearing the scripture with man things are impossible but with God all things are possible. It's possible to get pregnant with Chlomid and without. The question is what method am I supposed to use?

We never got a spike in BBT which means that it was an anovulation cycle (a cycle where the egg did not release). This means Chlomid is necessary in my case. 

It could not have been the week we were away in Michigan because if I would have ovulated my basal body temperature would have been elevated for the direction of the luteal phase. When I got back home my temperature was the same 97.70! It stayed that temperature plus or minus one or two degrees.

 So the lesson that we learned this cycle is that we will have to do the bed dance (bd) EVERYDAY once we get the positive ovulation or solid smiley face, AND confirm with BBT, AND lose weight/make natural food choices to increase my chances of naturally healing PCOS. 

As always ladies, don't give up, don't give in, and always do the dance!

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